Elementary (2K-6th)
- Classes from 2K - 6th grades
- ABeka and BJU Press curriculums in the following subjects:
- Reading/Language
- Math
- Science
- History
- Bible
- Spelling
- Writing
- Wordly Wise
- Scholastic Reading Counts! reading program
- Art, Computer, Music, and PE classes several times each week
- Special projects related to one or more subjects
- Projects are assigned not only to enrich students academically, but also to enhance their knowledge and experience within the realm of society and the world.
Promotion or Failure
Students are required to make 70 or above for the yearly average in each subject. Students who make below 70 in one major subject or in two minor subjects will have to repeat the grade.
Major subjects
- English
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Reading
Minor subjects
- Health
- Phonics
- Spelling
- Writing
- Wordly Wise
All students are graded on the following scale:
90-100 Excellent A
80-89 Good B
70-79 Average C
Below 70 Failing F
Conduct Grades
Excellent E
Satisfactory S
Needs Improvement NI
Unsatisfactory U